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Urban Dictionary: drawers
chest of drawers n. pl. chests of drawers A piece of furniture consisting of a set of drawers that fit within a frame. chest of drawers n (Fine Arts & Visual Arts
1. drawers Older British word (early/mid 20th Century for certain) for women's knickers. Probabaly originates from 'drawing up' the underwear (as in drawing curtains
drawers dictionary
drawers dictionary
chest of drawers - Dictionary,.
noun 1. a sliding, lidless, horizontal compartment, as in a piece of furniture, that may be drawn out in order to gain access to it. 2. drawers, ( used with a plural
chest of drawers - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions

American Dictionary
Stehbrunzer Plastic Storage Drawers
chest of drawers - English-Spanish.
Drawer | Define Drawer at
Chest Of Drawers Baseball Knob .